Karma and Relationships

August 5, 2010 at 3:00 pm | Posted in love/relationship/marriage, self development/motivation | Leave a comment

I’ve read the following description in the leaflet I received after a family constellation workshop with Yildiz Sethi from www.familyconstellations.com.au . Here is an explanation on ‘KARMA’ – see what you think about it:

Karma literally means action. According to Eastern philosophy we are in a cycle of reincarnation, so that our thoughts and actions come back to us, either in our present or future lives. There is a cause and effect relationship. Action – reaction.

around and around it goes...

Most of us experience mixed karma in many areas of our life, a mixture of pleasant and more challenging situations. Life is full of experiences. You may have a good job and valuable assets, but without good relationships it is likely that meaning, purpose, happiness or peace will be missing in for you.

The family you were born into is also part of your karma. Facing it and accepting it, as it is, is usually all that is required to release you from the karmic cycle and improve your relationships from now onwards. Not being connected or resolved with your roots, in terms of family, can be the cause of a wide range of difficulties, such as relationships to partners, children or in the work or business area.

The Difference Between Counselling and Coaching

August 4, 2010 at 5:06 pm | Posted in self development/motivation | Leave a comment
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Many people ask me this question – so I’ve written an article/blog post about it. Please feel free to leave your comments!

Nowadays most people take the advantage of supporting themselves with the help of a counsellor, coach or therapist through the challenges life throws at them at some stage. For people new to the field of self-development the question ‘What is the difference between a counsellor and coach?’ comes up often. Lets find some distinctions that might be helpful to you.

Supporting people to be the very best


Counselling is the modality to heal yourself, to find closure for things that happened in your past, to come to see things from a healthier perspective, to learn to let go of grudges and resentment and to build up ego strength. Counselling often works as a ‘talking therapy’ as research has found that expressing emotions helps to digest them. A counsellor acts as a professional friend in whom you can confide your innermost thoughts. They will listen attentively and hold no judgment over your opinions or ideas. Most counsellors will refrain from giving you advice but help you find your own way, clarify the issues, bring understanding and wider perspective and support you in making your own wise decisions. Counselling mostly focuses on clearing past issues.


Coaching is the modality to go forward, to plan for Continue Reading The Difference Between Counselling and Coaching…

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