
This is the page for the people who benefited from Counselling/Coaching/Journey Therapy etc at Reach for the Sky.

You can already find a number of testimonials on the Reach for the Sky Website (please click here) however I’d love to get your experiences working with us collected here as well.

If you want to check out my profile on LinkedIn, please click here.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

To give you an idea of what a testimonial is and if you would like your testimonial to appear on the Reach for the Sky Website, here are some guidelines:

If you feel that you have received benefit from my services, or feel my services can help others and you would like to write something, I would be extremely grateful.

Should you wish to write a testimonial, a few sentences are all I need. Things that you may want to consider might include:

· Your experience of having therapy with me

· Your opinions of the effectiveness of Counselling/NLP/The Journey

· The benefits that you obtained out of your sessions

· Any other thoughts or comments that people looking into having therapy may find useful

Please also let me know what personal details you want shown on the website e.g.

· Fred Jones, product manager, Dee Why

· Fred J, product manager, Dee Why

· F.J, business man, Sydney

· Anonymous, sales, Dee Why

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  1. I first contacted Nathalie in December 2008. Whilst to the external world I had everything going for me at that time, my life was in reality empty and I was struggling internally. I had no purpose in life. My relationships were either dull, meaningless or struggling. Everything seemed almost pointless or too hard to handle. To the outside world, because of my “defensive pretences”, everything was just great. This actually made things worse for me.

    I had never had any counselling/coaching or Journey therapy before and was EXTREMELY apprehensive about taking the first step in making an appointment. My fears were soon put to rest. Nathalie has such gentle and accepting approach to ANY issue that might arise. Her responses are always so graceful and her skills such that she lead me to see things in a different light. More importantly, and again in a most graceful, accepting and compassionate manner, she used her extraordinary skills to enable me to see where I might need to change. Her interest in my progress was also incredibly touching.

    I can honestly say that today I am a completely different person. My relationships are now on a completely new level. They are great. I have found a real purpose in life and now wake up to each day not only happy, but with an enthusiasm which not long ago I would never have thought possible. Nathalie has also given me the tools and direction to enable me to face challenges with optimism and self confidence.

    I will never regret making that first appoinment with Nathalie. My life has not just changed for the better – it has virtually exploded into a life FULL of meaning and purpose. I am so grateful and will always be eternally grateful to Nathalie for what she has done for me.

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